Tomoji Tanabe, a former Japanese city land surveyor, has been deemed the world’s oldest man. Tanabe is 111 years old.
This past Monday he was honored by the Guinness Book of World Records.
Tanabe said he is eager to keep living. He said he stays away from alcohol and smoking.
Although Tanabe is the world’s oldest man, he isn’t the world’s oldest person. That honor goes to a Japanese woman who is 114.
that’s truly amazing keep livoing dude
Actually, Pedro, according to the Guiness Book of World Records 2007, at least two living men are older than Tanabe. Their names are Emiliano Mercado del Toro (age 114) and Moses Hardy (age 113.) The honor of world’s oldest living person does go to a woman, but she’s not Japanese. Her name is Maria Esther de Capovilla, (age 116) and she is from Ecuador. However, any of these people could have died since the book was published; but I’m fairly confident that they didn’t. I don’t know if Guiness 2008 has come out yet. In case anyone is curious about the oldest person to ever live, she is a French woman named Jeanne Louise Calment; (age 122) but she is dead now. Some biblical references state that people who were around when the world was created lived over 1000 years, but these ages are not to be taken literally and are symbollic.
Go Japan! I heard of someone really old around were I live, in TN, They were 110 years old I think.
The oldest man to ever live was Methusalah in the Bible. He lived to be 969 years old. People who lived before the Flood lived for much longer. There are NO biblical references to people 1000 years old or older. I’ve studied the Bible alot.
Okay, y9k4, I looked it up; and no one lived over 1000. However, like I said before, it really doesn’t matter because the ages are symbollic. The Bible isn’t supposed to be interpreted word for word. However, you should keep studying it. I studied the Gospel of Mark in my school. Just don’t become one of those annoying people who memorize every verse. 🙂
even though i’m jewish i happen to agree with “ynk4′ although we believe that adam was 970
There are three ways that scripture should be interpreted. The first, literal sense proper, means that the Bible says word for word what it means. The second, literal sense improper, uses symbollism. The third, typological sense, means that certain things in the Old Testament foreshadow things in the New Testament. To know what the Bible is saying, you have to know when to use each.
Kosher scout: Even if you’re Jewish, you study only the old testament in the Bible.
I don’t memorize every verse, drummer, but I have memorized lots of verses for school and sunday school. And, kosher scout, I think I remember that Adam was 930 years old when he died.
He is ssoo not the oldest!!! I heard that someone lived to be 122!!!
M1,000,000!!!!!!#1!!!, read comment 2. Pedro isn’t claiming that he’s the oldest to ever live. He’s claiming that he’s the oldest who is still alive; however, he’s wrong about that too. Comment 2 will explain it.
i think a cave man lived to almost150yers old,is what some sintest say ;] :]
So drummer you are saying that you do not belive everything in the the bible, thats pretty sad!
Nathaniel: Don’t twist my words around! I DO believe everything in the Bible. God divinely inspired every word of it. However, the Bible is not a textbook. Not every word of it is absolutely historically accurate. Take the book of revelation for example. Jesus is pictured as a dead lamb. The Bible says that he is a dead lamb. Is Jesus a dead lamb? No, of course not. Jesus has two natures: divine and human. He doesn’t have a third nature of lamb. (I suppose, though, he could make himself a lamb if he wanted to; but that’s not the point.) The reason that Jesus is pictured as a lamb is because a lamb was sacrificed at Passover, and Jesus was crucified then. Do you see the SYMBOLLISM there? Now, certain things in the Bible did happen. (e.g. the Eucharist, the parting of the Red Sea, the Resurrection, etc.) Let me give you another example. Genesis 4:24 says, “If Cain is avenged sevenfold, then Lamech [Cain’s great great great grandson] is avenged seventy-sevenfold.” Does that mean that if some distant descendant of Cain is killed today, a nuclear bomb will be dropped on the killer? No. Do you get my point?
Drummer: I did not twist your words around! What do you mean that everything in it is not historically accurate. The book of revelation is going to happen it is forseeing everthing that is going to happen in the future. I have to agree that the Bible does use some SYMBOLLISM. But I belive everything in the Bible. (I’m not saying that you do not belive everything in the Bible).
I agree completely with Nathaniel.
Nathaniel: What I mean when I say that the Bible isn’t always HISTORICALLY accurate is that it was written to reveal truths of FAITH not random facts like Adam’s age. The number probably isn’t Adam’s actual age. It obviously symbollizes something. I don’t know exactly what because I’m not God. It just seems unlikely that anyone could live for that long. How would the flood have changed the lifespan of the entire human race? That’s what I mean when I say that the Bible isn’t always historically accurate. I do believe that the Book of Revelation will happen. I just don’t think that it will happen exactly the way it was written. For instance, the horsemen in the Book of Revelation symbolize things. When it does happen, there won’t actually BE horsemen. Thank you for agreeing that the Bible uses symbollism. That’s all I’m saying! Thank you for admitting that not ALL of the Bible is to be taken word for word. That’s all I wanted.
This is an intresting topic! First of all, Drummer, you said earlier that you believed that the ages are symbollic. I agree too, that there are many symbollic things in the bible, but I do not understand why ages would be symbollic, there doesn’t seem to be any apperant thing that they would symbolize. And to kosher scout, there is no possible way to know how old Adam was. We have know idea how long they were in the garden of eden. It could have been 100,000,000 years! And to Robert, I don’t really believe in cave men. We know from the bible that ever since Adam, human beings have been inteligent.
Drummer: Why wound’nt it be adams real age! God changed the life span after the flood to 72 years (and if god wants you to live longer than you would live longer, but around the age of 72 is the avrage age people die). And it says in the Bible Genesis 5:5 “And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.” I belive that Adam lived to be 930 years old. I still belive that the Bible uses a little Symbollism!
(I will responed in a few days I am going to be gone today and tomarrow!)
Exterminator: You know what? I don’t know what they symbollize either. You know why? I’m not God. The Bible is one of God’s ways of revealing Himself to us. Let’s say, for a second, that the age is actual. How is Adam’s ACTUAL age telling us anything about God? Why does it matter to us how old Adam was? The age obviously symbollizes something more important. Once again, I don’t know what because I’m not God. Actually, cavemen could have existed. Genesis said that God created land animals and man on the sixth day. However, it could have been longer than a day. It could have been millions of years. That would give time for cavemen to evolve into humans. I don’t know. I wasn’t there. Maybe there weren’t any cavemen.
Nathaniel and Piano: Read what I said to exterminator.
Drummer: You are completely right. There really is know way of knowing, I could right, I could be wrong. However, it has been revealed to the leaders of my church that on the planet closest to where God lives one day is approximately 1,000 years. So, we BELIEVE that one of God’s days is about 1,000 years, but, there is no possible way to know. I still don’t think that cave man existed because the only humans there were before the fall of Adam were Adam and Eve; after that, the bible shows that humans were quite intelligent. However, this is just a personal belief and I could easily be wrong. And Nathaniel, I didn’t know the bible said how old he was. I’ll look it up later.
I’ve always believed that people’s ages in the Bible were to be taken literaly. My Dad told me that people lived much longer before the Flood because of all the minerals in the soil. They were washed away because of all the water. Many things in the Bible ARE symbollic and represent something, but people’s ages don’t. There are tons of things in the Bible that we can’t understand, but that doesn’t mean necessarily that ALL of them symbolic of something.
Exterminator, the earth is very young. It CAN’T be more than 6,000 years old. I have a book about all the reasons why this is true. I can’t think remember what it said off the top of my head, but I’ll look through it later.
The hotal here has a computer and I can responed.
Exterminator: To find Adams age go to Genesis 5:5 “And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.”
y9k4: That’s an interesting theory. However, the minerals would have to be washed somewhere else. They wouldn’t just disappear!
Exterminator: My Church believes that heaven isn’t a physical place that would be closest to a certain planet.
People, stop dodging my question. Here it is:
The Bible is one of God’s ways of revealing Himself to us. Let’s say, for a second, that the age is actual. How is Adam’s ACTUAL age telling us anything about God?
If that can’t be answered, then the only possible solution is that the age ISN’T actual.
Exterminator: What church do you go to. (I was just wondering)
P.S. I am at a church camp!
Drummer: The Bible also tells of life along time ago.
Like I said before, if you want to learn about “life a long time ago,” read a history book. The Bible can’t be held reliable for HISTORICAL truths unless they have to do with God or the early Church.
The Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Part One, Section One, Chapter 2, under Sacred Scripture, under “Why does Sacred Scripture teach the truth?” says, “Because God Himself is the author of Sacred Scripture. For this reason, it is said to be inspired and to teach without error those truths WHICH ARE NECESSARY FOR OUR SALVATION.” I believe this firmly. Is Adam’s actual age necessary for our salvation? No. It is probably symbollic of something that IS necessary for our salvation.
y9k4: I also believe that the earth is actually pretty young. I wasn’t really thinking earlier when I said that Adam could’ve been 10,000,000 years old. What I was trying to say was that for all we know, Adam could be really old. Which also brings up the scripture Genesis 5:5. I did read it, and I guess we really DO know how old he was. I stand corrected. Also y9k4, you said that your dad said that he believed all the minerals were washed away in the flood and that is why we don’t live as long. This could be true, but what I think is that there were a ton of clouds back then and when the flood came most of the clouds disapeared because all the water was left in the earth, so then we weren’t as effectively blocked from the sun’s radiation. That’s just a theary though.
Drummer: Well, I guess our churches have different beliefs. there isn’t anyway to prove either way. I also remembered what the name of the planet was: Kolob
And now I will stop dodging your question: The bible is meant completely to help us get through life (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) but that doesn’t mean it can’t say anything other than what will help us. I see nothing wrong with it telling us about peoples ages.
Nathaniel: I go to the Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints (LDS). We are also called “Mormons” because we also believe in another scripture called the “Book of Mormon”. To tell the really short version, the book of mormon is about some people who were inspired to leave the city jerusalum because it was about to be destroyed, due to it’s wickedness. They came across to america and part of them became evil, and split off. They both lived for many years until Jesus was crucified. After Jesus was resurected he came over and preached to them for a while; he left and they lived in rightousness (I KNOW i spelled that one wrong) for about 200 years. they started to became evil again and they are still around today. they are called Native americans. (I’m not saying that native americans are evil. I’m just saying some of they’re ancestors were) (BTW “Mormon was the last prophet. that’s why it’s named after him) Anyway, you can learn more at [EDIT: Link deleted].
Exterminator: Bible isn’t an acronym! Maybe you were just joking. Bible actually comes from the Greek word “biblia” which means books. Aside from the fact that I’ve already stated what my faith believes, why would God state some random fact in the Bible that didn’t mean anything? Also, how would Native Americans have migrated to America BEFORE IT WAS EVEN DISCOVERED? I think that millions of years ago, they came over the land bridge between Russia and Alaska. Even if they had, they wouldn’t have had time to form into a different race that doesn’t look anything like Palestinian. Something like that takes millions of years! No offense, but didn’t Mormons believe that you could have more than one wife once?
my comment isn’t there! I don’t know why, but apperently they’re moderators didn’t except it. How disapointing; now I have to write it all over again. I’ll just simplify it more. OK, Drummer first of all I was just joking about that the bible being an acronym. Second of all I don’t know what’s wrong with telling us the ages of people, I’ve already said that. There’s no way we can prove either way so we just have to agree to disagree. And to make a long story short, they got to america because the lord directed them and when they got to an ocean, the lord inspired and helped them to build a ship to cross. That is how they did it. Next, while they were traveling, part of them sinned and became so evil that the lord cursed them with red skin, kind of like Cain. And lastly, At one point we did practice poligamy (having multiple wives) but I think it was because all the young men were being shipped off to fight in one of the World Wars and that’s why it was ok. I’m kinda fuzzy in that area. However, we don’t practice it now.
p.s. there was a show on the news about mormons on march 31-april 1. Maybe you saw it?
Drummer: “Like I said before, if you want to learn about “life a long time ago,” read a history book. The Bible can’t be held reliable for HISTORICAL truths unless they have to do with God or the early Church.”
Why Not? And how can you prove that?
Drummer: “The Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Part One, Section One, Chapter 2, under Sacred Scripture, under “Why does Sacred Scripture teach the truth?” says, “Because God Himself is the author of Sacred Scripture. For this reason, it is said to be inspired and to teach without error those truths WHICH ARE NECESSARY FOR OUR SALVATION.” I believe this firmly. Is Adam’s actual age necessary for our salvation? No. It is probably symbollic of something that IS necessary for our salvation.”
No adams age is not needed for our salvation, but if you look under the book of the Bible that I gave to you than you will see how old adam was. And why would the BIBLE LIE!
Exterminator: The earth is probably only like 6,000 years old, but i do not know for sure.
Exterminator: I go the the Pilgram Holiness Church! I guess that we all belive differently. Our church bleves that you have to be saved to go to heaven and you should be sactified.
drummer: Native Americans lived here before Chistopher Clumbus even was born.
Exterminator: I think that the moderators are becoming more strict. I will agree to disagree about the whole Adam’s age thing. I’d like to say that I respect your faith even though I think that the whole story seems a bit ridiculous. I just have one question. How do you explain the fact that the Native Americans never spoke Aramaic? I’d also like to say that the whole age thing seems like a trivial detail in both of our faiths. There are much more important concepts in both of them.
One more question: If, hypothetically, there was a WW3, would Mormons practice polygamy again?
To Nathaniel: I’ll respond to all of your comments. Comment 35–I’ve already said what my faith believes with my citation from the Compendium. The person who wrote Genesis (I think it was Moses, but I’m not sure.) wasn’t around when the world began. God inspired the Bible. He wouldn’t put some frivolous age in there that doesn’t matter to anyone. Why would God put some historical thing in there that doesn’t have to do with faith? It’s like saying, “Jesus is the Way, the Truth, (By the way, some random guy named Bob is 37.) and the Life.” It obviously means something more important. If God did want to say something historical, then it would be true. I’m just saying that He doesn’t put frivolous things like that in the Bible.
Comment 36–I’m not saying that the Bible is lying. I’m saying that Adam’s age is symbollic of something that is necessary for our salvation. I’ve already explained this. Scripture needs to be interpreted and isn’t supposed to be read word for word.
Comment 39–I know this. I just don’t think that they came from Jerusalem. I think that they crossed the land bridge millions of years ago.
By the way, I don’t want to give out my religion over the Internet; but I will say that it’s larger than both of yours combined.
Nathaniel: our church also believes that you have to be saved to go to heaven. You have to be perfect to go to heaven. However, we all know it is impossible to be perfect and that is why we can repent.
Drummer: Is it neccesary that they would have to speak aramaic?
hey I just noticed that it didn’t say that website in comment 32. oh well.
and if there was a WW3 I don’t think we would practice poligamy again. Like I said, i’m a bit fuzzy in that area. I will research it and get back to you on that one.
Exterminator: I’m just saying that people in Jerusalem spoke Aramaic. If Native Americans came from there, why wouldn’t they speak it too.
I go to a Pentacostal, Bible-believing church & I think the polygamy that the Mormons did is bad because if God really wanted us to do that, why would he put ONE man & ONE woman together (Adam & Eve) at the very beginning? We also believe that there is only ONE heaven & everyone who believes in Jesus will go there.
I think that the Indians crossed over to the New World from what now is Russia to Alaska, but not millions of years ago. The Bible says that in the days of Peleg the earth was divided. So it had to be before that.
…before Peleg was born I mean.
Drummer: The guy who wrote genisis was around when the earth began!
Drummer: Comment 36–I’m not saying that the Bible is lying. I’m saying that Adam’s age is symbollic of something that is necessary for our salvation. I’ve already explained this. Scripture needs to be interpreted and isn’t supposed to be read word for word.
I think that the Bible should be read word for word and I also belive that EVERY THING IN THE BIBLE IS TRUE!
Drummer: Comment 39–I know this. I just don’t think that they came from Jerusalem. I think that they crossed the land bridge millions of years ago.
By the way, I don’t want to give out my religion over the Internet; but I will say that it’s larger than both of yours combined.
I don’t know if they came from Jerusalem! And I also don’t belive that the earth is millions of years old.
Do you think that a “bigger religion” will get you to heaven? I really don’t care which church you go to as long as you get to heaven!
Note: The clock on the post is wrong like it is 11:36 p.m. when I am posting this and the clock on the post sayes 10:36p.m.
Drummer: “Actually, Pedro, according to the Guiness Book of World Records 2007, at least two living men are older than Tanabe. Their names are Emiliano Mercado del Toro (age 114) and Moses Hardy (age 113.) The honor of world’s oldest living person does go to a woman, but she’s not Japanese. Her name is Maria Esther de Capovilla, (age 116) and she is from Ecuador. However, any of these people could have died since the book was published; but I’m fairly confident that they didn’t. I don’t know if Guiness 2008 has come out yet. In case anyone is curious about the oldest person to ever live, she is a French woman named Jeanne Louise Calment; (age 122) but she is dead now. Some biblical references state that people who were around when the world was created lived over 1000 years, but these ages are not to be taken literally and are symbollic.”
The oldest person in the Bible was 969 years old his name was Methuselah!
y9k4: I agree w/ you on the polygamy thing. However, I don’t think that EVERYONE who believes in Jesus will go to heaven. We are not only judged by our faith, but by our works too. Could a serial killer who believes in Jesus go to heaven? He only could if he repented.
PS I have no idea how old the earth is. I didn’t mean millions of years literally. I just think that they crossed the land bridge, which existed during the last ice age.
Nathaniel, I hate to break it to you; but God was the only one who was around when the world was created; and He didn’t write Genesis. He inspired it, but He didn’t write it.
Comment 49–You agreed earlier that the Bible uses some symbollism. Now you say that it is to be read word for word. If you believe that the Bible is word for word, then you believe that Jesus is ACTUALLY a dead lamb. He is symbollically, but he isn’t actually. There’s no getting around that. If you believe that the Bible is word for word, then you believe Jesus is a dead lamb. There’s no getting around that. I also believe that everything in the Bible is true in a certain sense. It’s just that that sense isn’t always literal sense proper. (See comment 7.)
PS Don’t think that I think everything in the Bible is symbollic. Most of it isn’t. Only some things are.
Comment 50–I have no idea how old the earth is. I just think that they crossed the land bridge, which existed during the last ice age. No, I don’t think a big religion will get me to heaven. I think that the religion that has the truth will get me to heaven.
Comment 52–See comment 7.
Sorry, I meant comment 5.
The guy who wrote genisis was around when the earth began!
I messed up the guy who wrote genisis was not alive when the world began!
My mom told me the reason for the whole polygamy thing: The reason for it is because the Lord commanded them to. In the bible, both Abraham and Israel had multiple wives. To condemn the members of the early church would mean to condemn Abraham and Israel.
I also got help from my mom on the aramaic thing: The book of mormon says that they left Jerusalem about 2500 years ago (500 B.C.). Any language will change in two and a half millenia.
To get more information, google (exact words) “The church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints” and click on the second link. If you have any doubts about my beliefs, then you can download (on to word or something) the book of Mormon. Just read it and pray about it. If anyone has any more questions, please ask.
Exterminator: I know a language will change in 2500 years, but it seems like it would evolve and become more complex. It wouldn’t turn into a less sophistocated language. Also, Native Americans seemed (I hate to say it, but) dumber when the colonies were settled than people in Jerusalem did in Jesus’ time. I remember this fact. A colonian would write something down and tell the Native Americans what it said. He would then give it to a messenger to carry across several states to someone else. The Native Americans would accompany the messenger for the journey. When the message finally got to the person it was supposed to go to, the Native Americans were amazed at how he knew what it said. They didn’t even understand what writing was! How were these the same people who were writing the Gospels 2000 years ago?
Exterminator: Polygamy is a sin. Period. Abraham and Israel didn’t have multiple wives. They may have divorced their wives and married again because Moses said it was OK. However, Jesus later said that Moses only told them this because of the hardness of their hearts.
Nathaniel: Please don’t copy and paste all my comments. Just tell me which ones you’re responding to.
That is amazing! I think most people should take what he did and not do bad things and, hey you never know! Maybe you’ll grow as old as him.
peo ple in the bible lived much longer
no ofense what wi th all the religion stuf whats it got to do about this
well im catholic whatare we talking about!
Sneezy: We’re talking about whether the ages of Adam and the people in the Bible are real or symbollic of something more important. We’re also talking about polygamy in Exterminator’s religion of Mormonism. If you read the earlier comments, it should be pretty clear.
comment 58: At about 400 A.D. There were hardly any righteous people left. There was a huge war and after that there were only evil people left. They did not follow God and they did not keep any records. They simply followed the traditions of they’re fathers; and they’re intelect deteriorated.
comment 59: We believe in modern day prophets and we believe that the prophet receives revelation from God. We believe that the prophet Joseph Smith (the first modern day prophet) was called of God and that the lord told him that polygamy was at that time, not a sin. It doesn’t really matter whether it happened before, it happened then and was commanded by God.
No matter how many times I answer your questions you will find new find new ones. Whether someone believes that the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints is true or not all comes down to if they read the book of mormon and pray about it. Unless they do that, they will always try to find something wrong with the church. That is why if you really want to know, I told you how to get to the church web site in comment 57. From there, go to the top of the page and then move the mouse onto gospel library, then click on scriptures. Click on the book of Mormon. I recomend you read the title page first, then the introduction, and then you can go on to first Nephi. The book of Mormon consists of: First and second Nephi, Jacob, Enos, Jarom, Omni, words of Mormon, Mosiah, Alma, Helamen, third and fourth Nephi, Mormon, Ether, and Moroni. If you pray about them while you read them, only then will you understand what I have been trying to tell you.
my dad told me that God let people have more than one wife even though it wasn,t meant for
this is getting ugly why are you compairing each other ask a priest,reveran etc we can’t fight over religion what do you say to that?, drumer, extermanator,nathanial,ynk4?
drumer what do you mean symbolic? and why are we fighting over who knows more verses?
No it isn’t drumerr
Sneezy: I’m sorry, but your comments don’t make much sense. Could you try to say what you’re trying to say a little more clearly? Thank you.
Exterminator: I don’t have time to read the whole Book of Mormon. Could you give me a summary maybe? However, I did pray about it; and it still seems the same.
Sneezy, we aren’t comparing each other to anything or fighting, we’re just having a freindly discussion about our religions. We can’t ask a priest or someone of the like because we all belong to different religions. I’ll let Drummer answer comment 69.
One more thing I’d like to add to my last comment is that we don’t practice polygamy anymore. Members of our church who do are excommunacated.
Drummer, one place in the Bible says, “For by grace are ye saved through faith…NOT of works lest any man should boast.” When people believe in Jesus, he makes them new and they don’t want to do terrible things anymore.
Drummer: Comment 59 I agree that Polygamy is a sin. But I also think (let me refrase that “I Know”) divorce is wrong.
I was in PA last week so I could not reply for a whole week!
Exterminator: I belive that the book of mormons is bad. Because it says in the Bible the we are not to add to the bible or take away from the bible. (No offence)
Snezzy: My father is a pastor!
I mean Sneezy! And this is not getting ugly we are just debating about this.
Sneezy: Comment 68 my name is spelled Nathaniel.
Sneezy: Comment 69 we are not fighting.
To Sneezy:
Comment 68: This isn’t getting that ugly if you ask me. People can disagree without it turning into a big fight.
Comment 69: If you say that something is symbollic, you mean that it isn’t what it appears and that it is there to represent something else. We aren’t fighting over who knows more verses.
Comment 71: You said you don’t have time to read the whole book of Mormon. You don’t need a lot of time. Just read a chapter a day and it will only take 10-15 minutes a day.
I think I did give a short summary on it a while back, I don’t know. Even if you knew what happened, you wouldn’t get the same thing as you would by reading it. Take the Bible, for instance. Say you were talking to someone who had never read it before. Simply telling him what happened wouldn’t convert him, he would have to read it.
I can still give you a summary, though: At about 500 B.C. a man named Lehi (the prophet) was inspired to leave the city Jerusalem because it was going to be destroyed for it’s wickedness. He left with his family and a few other people. They traveled in the wilderness for several years when they came to an ocean. The lord helped them to build a ship and they crossed the sea to America. A part of them became very evil so the Lord cursed them with dark skin, kind of like Cain. They broke off and hence forth were called the Lamanites. The people that were good were called the Nephites. They lived together and they sometimes had wars, and sometimes the Lamanites were even more righteous than the Nephites. Eventually after he was resurected, Christ came to them and for a time, everyone was righteous. Unfortunately, after about 400 years all the righteous people were killed off and only wicked people remained. The last prophet Mormon took the plates and buried them in a hill. At about 1800 A.D. a boy named Joseph Smith was wondering which of the churches he should join. He read a scripture in the Bible (John, I think) that said if any man lack wisdom let him ask of God and it shall be revealed unto him. He did ask of God and the answer was that none of the churches were true. Eventually Joseph smith was led to the book of Mormon. He translated it and with help from God, he organized the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints. In one of my earlier comments I showed you how to get to the church website. I reccomend you go there and research it.
Comment 75: That means that any normal person shouldn’t change it. For instance, notice that the bible doesn’t say anything about kings being bad. If all the kings were always righteous people than it would be ok, but this is almost always impossible. The bible was translated by a king and he had his scribes take it out. That is what that scripture meant.
And another thing, the book of Mormon is not part of the Bible. We believe it to be another testament of Christ. We do NOT believe that it is a replacement in any way for the Bible.
Drummer: Exacaly what i said!
y9k4: Comment 73: I never said that we should BOAST of our works, but we should still do them. We aren’t saved by faith alone. James 2:17 says, “So faith, in itself, if it does not have works, is DEAD.” By the way, people are still tempted to sin even if they do believe in Jesus. Everyone is. It is through Jesus that we resist that temptation.
PS If the book of James isn’t in your Bible, tell me; and I’ll tell you why.
Nathaniel: Comment 74: Divorce is wrong! My faith judges whether a sin is wrong or not by two criteria: object and intention. Object is what happened. In this instance, divorce: bad. Intention is the reason for the sin. In this instance, wanting a new wife: bad also. If either of these two is not good, the action is a sin. They are both bad; so, naturally, divorce is a sin. However, there is a third criteria: circumstances. This is used to tell if the culpability (how much the person is blamed) can be diminished. Some circumstances that can diminish culpability are ignorance, fear, durress, (I’m not entirely sure what that one means.) habit, etc. In this instance, because of the hardness of the people’s hearts, (not because of God) Moses told the people that they could divorce. (Jesus disspelled this rumor later.) For the time being, the people didn’t know divorce was a sin. That would mean that they had ignorance. Divorce was and still is a sin, but they couldn’t be blamed entirely back then because of their ignorance.
Exterminator, could you try not to take up the whole page with one comment?
Y9k4, is there any sort of problem? I find it neccesary to use the amount of space that I do use. I don’t see how it sould be of any sort of hinderance, so if there is a problem, do tell.
coment 72 its sounds like were yelling :[] not having afriendly discusion………………………………………………………………………………..
did you see ”etc” sign exterminator
Sneezy, if it does seem like we are yelling at each other please, tell me which comments seem to be agressive and I’m sure I could clear it up. Also, in which comment is the ect you were talking about in? I personally think this is a great discussion and don’t at all mean to be offensive in any way, so if I do appear to be even a little aggresive please tell me.
P.S. In comment 86 I meant to say “could” not “sould”.
Is anyone going to reply? No one has said anything for over a week now! I’ll just check every now and then to see if anyone replys…
I’m still here, but I’ve decided not to post anymore comments here because it’s pointless trying to convert someone when they don’t know what religion you are. I’m not going to give out my religion over the Internet. Bye.
hello extermanator can we go to a diferent subject like the world oldest man haw
Well, I guess it’s pointless trying to carry a conversation if you don’t want to. See ya later.
By the way you’re probably not going to answer this, but just in case you do what’s so bad about telling people your religion?
“By the way you’re probably not going to answer this, but just in case you do what’s so bad about telling people your religion?”
I have no idea ask drummer!
please don’t go! we can about something else , and I don’t think theres anything wrong with talking about religion maybe people think your snubbing them.
Sneezy, I’ve said all the things I’ve had on my mind, but if there’s still more stuff you want to say then go ahead, we can discuss it.
OKAY OKAY OKAY!!! I’ll TELL you what’s wrong with telling you my religion! Sheesh! It’s just a piece of personal information! Don’t you guys know not to give out ANY personal information on the Internet? Anybody can get on this page, you know!
I don’t think there’s anything wrong w/ talking about religion. I just don’t want to do it over the Internet.
Comment 91: 1. I would never ever be converted to your religion 2. There’s nothing worng giving your religion out over the internet. 3. And I do know what religion you are you are a Catholic.
Drummer, I know not to give out personally indentifiable information, but I am very careful not to give out any information that someone could use to find me. Telling people my religion isn’t going help anyone find out who I am or where I live. I am not trying to persuade you into giving out your religion; I respect your decision and if you would prefer to discontinue this conversation then that’s fine with me.
While I’m at it, is there anyone else that does want to continue the conversation?
lets talk about ssbm.
Sneezy, I repeat what I said in comment 97.
i thought drumerr was geting agresive
um weres Ynk4?
Sneezy: Just because I don’t want to continue the conversation because I don’t want to give out my religion doesn’t mean that I can’t visit this page anymore. How and when was I being aggressive?
Comment 98: How can I find you if you give out your religion. I Can’t!!!!!
coment 98
What do you mean comment 98.
How old are you?
the longest anyone has ever lived is 132
did you know that a 5 year old girl in Russia gave birth in the 40s!