The third and final season of “Transformers Prime Beast Hunters” is ratcheting up the action with some epic battles. On April 5, things get especially interesting when fan-favorite UltraMagnus makes his first appearance on the show, as the awesome autobot comes to Earth to lend a hand to his pals.
And we’ve got a sneak peek at the big moment. Take a look:
What do you think of the clip? You’ll have to wait until April 5 at 7:30 p.m. eastern on The Hub to see Ultramagnus in action. Until then speculate away on what’s in store for the Transformers.
This isn’t a bad show. Better than most of the movies.
I like transformers prime beast hunters because people hold there tongues!
transformers are the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!
Season three is awesome! (Episode 6 (or 7) May 17th.
the video dose not exist?