A huge spider web stretching 200 yards has covered trees and bushes along a path at a Texas state park.
“At first, it was so white it looked like fairyland,” said park superintendent Donna Garde in an article in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. “Now it’s filled with so many mosquitoes that it’s turned a little brown. There are times you can literally hear the screech of millions of mosquitoes caught in those webs.”
Experts aren’t sure how and why the web was built. Some think that it was constructed by social cobweb spiders that work together to build webs. Others think it was a mass dispersal when spiders spin webs to get away from each other.
Click here to read more about the giant spider web and see an amazing photo.
yuck gross
So are insects going to be exctinct?
that, is like, so wierd
Those social cobweb spiders must be like Harry Potter spiders! JJ 😀
so nasty man!!!!
No Rapper. Also, weird…
omg that is crazy i mean really is it like hagrids pet spider agrog or somethin lol its huge that things good for catchin men no bugs.
I wonder if the spiders will be able to EAT all those bugs! Or maybe will they burst? 😀
cool. Are these black widows?
those must be some PRETTY big flies those spiders eat!
cool! I would HATE to be a mosqito there
that was freaky! i wonder who took the picture?