Happy 100th, Scouting!

On Feb. 8, 1910, the Boy Scouts of America was incorporated by W.D. Boyce under the laws of Washington, D.C. Leadership of the early Scouting movement included National Scout commissioner Daniel Carter Beard and Chief Scout Ernest Thompson Seton.

Take today to celebrate. Time magazine honors the Scouts with a gallery of Scouting images from the past 100 years.


  1. The moment that we have all been waiting for is here! We are all so proud that we can say to our Cub Scout grandsons, “So you’re a scout, huh? You know, I was a Scout when it was a hundred years old.”

  2. I can’t believe it!!! One hundred years… This is so cool!!!
    I made the other scouts in my troop wear their scout uniforms to school. It was awesome!

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