In a few years, new 3-D printers could make it possible to print out solid objects just like you print out your homework assignments today.
Imagine downloading three-dimensional plans from the Internet, pressing print on your home printer, and having a new fork or toothbrush in just a few hours. The technology could even be used to make action figures from your favorite video game characters.
These 3-D printers have been around for about 10 years, but they could cost up to $100,000. A that price, only colleges and engineering companies could afford them. Now, some companies are working on versions that will be cheap enough to be used at your neighborhood copy shop, or even in your home.
You can read more about how the technology works and its cool possibilities by clicking here.
That sounds so cool
That is kinda wierd…you can print out soild objects…wierd!
love to use it
That’s cool just print and you have it. I wonder if thaey can do advance things like a computer?
it sounds like something from a science fiction movie.
That’s so cool! I can’t believe they can do that!
If its cheap in the future, IT WILL BE AWESOME!!!
How is that possible???
sound s aewsome nneeeddd it
i wonder if you can “print” out another 3-D printer
I’m going to print out a DS Lite
Human thechnology is more advanced than we realize. Who knows what they have the capacity to do but just aren’t telling us about it (yet).
It will help me get more LEGOs, That’s for sure!
Thanks for the information. Any other posts or blogs you can recommend?
It is realistic, but cheap might be $5,000 because that’s cheap compared to $100,000 and it would have to be a non electronic item and there would have to be materials needed which could be making you spend more than just $5,000
I don’t see how that would be possible
it would nead to be like a little factory inside in order to do that.sounds expenseive