Earlier this Summer, Bugatti car makers took to the track to test their impressive new Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse. And I’d say the car performed excellently.
The convertible Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse raced to a speed of 254.04 miles per hour, claiming the title as the fastest roadster in the world.
Here’s a look at the speedy racecar setting the record.
Haha! The 2013 Ferrari claimed the record earlier this year, and of course Bugatti had to take it back! That’s awesome. I like how you can customize your car with whatever colors you want. You should be able to do that with any car that costs upwards of 1 million.
yah you should be
That is awesome!
now thats fast
The mythbusters can now try to beat the speed cam again!
Zonkers! That’s purdy darn fast! Peechtival!
that old guy looks like my grandpa
I thought the koinsegg agera r could go 273
BOOM! mind blown VROOM!
sssssssoooo ccccccooooollllll i love the car
I am bugahtti fan and very awsome
I am a fan of your work
you gus are the best car makers EVER!!!
you need to make a newer version of the bugahtti better than the Veyron and that goes 350 mph