Nearly 40,000 middle school “Mathletes” across the country are sharpening their mathematical skills for a chance to compete in the 2008 MATHCOUNTS competition.
Participants in MATHCOUNTS compete with their classmates for the right to participate in local and state competitions where they can win prizes, scholarships and bragging rights. Statewide winners can advance to the national competition to be held in Denver in May.
This is the 25th anniversary of MATHCOUNTS, a program designed to help kids of all abilities develop math skills, self-confidence and teamwork to prepare them for a successful career. It is also a lot of fun.
It’s not too late to get involved in MATHCOUNTS. Just talk to your teacher or check out the MATHCOUNTS website at for more information.
I’m pretty good at math, but it’s not exactly my favorite thing to do.
Sweet I love math I understand math and, boy i’m good it rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m in there! Look at the to the direct right of the sign. I’m the short one in the dark blue. It was so much fun in texas for the competition. I wish I could go back there some day.
I’m in mathcounts in NJ. IT ROCKS.
How can people enjoy math? I guess it’s a mystery I’ll never know.
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