Strange and unusual college classes

Colleges and universities across the nation are offering some offbeat courses in an effort to attract students.

Here are some of the unusual classes found by Fox News:

  • “The Joy of Garbage” at Santa Clara University
  • “The Science of Superheroes” at University of California at Irvine
  • “A History of the Pig in America” at Xavier University
  • “Zombies in Popular Media” at Columbia College
  • “The Zoo: Conservation, Education and Recreation” at California State University’s Channel Islands campus
  • “Media & Society: Fake News, Politics & Public Policy” at New York University
  • “Kitchen Ecology” at Hampshire College
  • “The Final Four Experience” at Lynn University

Supporters of these unusual classes say they are a good way to teach subjects that students might not normally be interested in. But other people say the offbeat classes are just a waste of time and money.


  1. Honestly, I think that normal students would be MORE interested in these things that in the usual boring subjects like Math and English.

  2. These classes are awesome! Sure they’re freaky but they give a whole class period to play around and learn about funny stuff, it gives you a break! 🙂

    • if you need a break go home and take a nap or take yoga, and also at whose expense for these mindless classes. I rather take a cruise or donate the money at a good charity that makes a differance or volunteer cleaning laudermats.

  3. There is am mandatory class at the Occidental College called
    “The Unbearable Whiteness of Barbie-Race and Popular Culture in the United States”
    Another one at that college is “the accommodation of stupidity”
    At Georgetown University there is a course “the philosophy of star trek”
    At Centre College, Kentucky there is a course “the art of walking”
    At Alfred University there is a class titled Maple Syrup: The Real Thing

    • Unless an instructor gives this class in his/her own home without a paycheck, it is not free. A total waste of tax money… again.

    • Lynn University is in Boca Raton, Florida and it is an actual university that has classes in such things as Funeral Home Management and also being an undertaker and other weird subjects.
      It is also one of the most expensive universities around, but if you can afford the tuition, housing and other essentials of going to a university then that’s the place to go.

  4. I’ve taken all of the classes listed , on this page , and without them – I wouldn’t have been able to finish Barber College.

  5. As far as I‘m concerned , it’s necessary for us to have the concept of innovation,but we shuold take the right road

  6. Ok. Some of this are pretty crazy. I’m currently enrolled in a class in the local community college. We’re using garbage but it is for a sculpting class. I can;t see how else one would use garbage.

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