First it was Gangnam style and now it’s the Harlem Shake.
The silly dance craze videos have popped up all over the place, and Scouting is no different. Here’s a look at a few of the most interesting Scouting-related Harlem Shake videos. Thanks to Scouting magazine for the heads up!
Troop 12, New Paris, Ind.
Troop 175, Simsbury, Conn.
Pack 568
Troop 52
As a bonus, here’s is the entire Miami Heat team doing a hilarious version of the Harlem Shake:
Hilarious! Now, play them all at once! Oh, and vote for your favorite one! Peechtival!
the cub scout one
The last one is …um disturbing.
dude zach its not that bad i mean you think its bead and it is a little disturbing but its still the best one zach barno
I sortof like the harlem shake……………………
wow just wow
The library one… I think the music is added in, but what if they played it that loud in a library? :O
funny i like the cub 1