Boy Scouts Do The Harlem Shake!

First it was Gangnam style and now it’s the Harlem Shake.

The silly dance craze videos have popped up all over the place, and Scouting is no different. Here’s a look at a few of the most interesting Scouting-related Harlem Shake videos. Thanks to Scouting magazine for the heads up!

Troop 12, New Paris, Ind.


Troop 175, Simsbury, Conn.


Pack 568


Troop 52


As a bonus, here’s is the entire Miami Heat team doing a hilarious version of the Harlem Shake:




    • dude zach its not that bad i mean you think its bead and it is a little disturbing but its still the best one zach barno

  1. The library one… I think the music is added in, but what if they played it that loud in a library? :O

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