Get ready for more 3G gaming. Sony announced Thursday that it is creating a new PlayStation with cell and Wi-Fi chips, a 5-inch touch-screen and a second analog stick. This new system should be in stores late this year. This PlayStation will also include front and rear cameras, a microphone and sensors for detecting location and motion. The release date, price and official name have not been revealed.
“Call of Duty,” “Uncharted,” “LittleBigPlanet” and “Wipeout” will all be available for this new system. Games will come on memory cards, with some available through direct download.
wonder if this has anything to do with copying Nintendo,I mean really 3ds? well anyways i dont care so i guess ill check it out
Making a new console isn’t copying.
I want one!
Price could be as expensive as $500, so good luck getting one of these.
Cool. I don’t need a cell phone but everything else sounds great!
they gon further with gaming technology x-)
This is so a copy of a ds.
No, different design, A9 quadcore instead of like A7 Pentium or something like that, PSP store came before DSiWare, etc.
If they wanted to copy something, they wouldn’t copy the ds.
Yeah it is kinda cool, but I think the Nintendo 3DS is way more beast.
It may look cool in the pictures, but in actual, it looks just like a dsi. But don’t just take my word for it. Look for the demo at stores like target.
alls there doing is making you buy stuff!!!!
Oh, and there is also a Gyro sensor on it.
sounds cool, but i’m not a Play Station guy…
What are the play station games like? I hope they’re not all first-person shooter games.
No, there’s also a mario-type game called little big planet and a mariokart-like game called modnation.
never mind about the android part, guys. Sorry.
This is so awesome I dont care if its $500 im getting one!
theres one on ebay for 0.99
me too
This sounds totally awesome. I hope they get pricing on it soon. I am going to save over the summer to pay for my new NGP. I can’t wait.
it’s $250. It’s also AWESOME!
The screen is 5 INCHES! That’s bigger than an iphone. And that’s just the screen!
can you watch instant Netflix with it?