The Cornell Lab of Ornithology (study of birds) has set up cameras to observe and study a Great Horned Owl. While it’s not the most exciting video I’ve ever posted, it’s one of the most unique.If you watch for long enough, you’ll see the owl do some things you’d never experience in the wild.
If you have a minute or two to spare, watch the mother owl mother go through her various avian responsibilities.
caught it leaving the nest
Coolest thing ever!!!
i saw its eggs
Saw the eggs, I think there are 3
i saw it eating
i heard chain saws!!!!
i heard a hammer in the back round. but i didn’t hear a chain saw. after a little while longer i heard it
They hatched!!! (I think
Saw it giving the camera a death stare at night. lol
Weird? at 9 47 48 2/5 the camera started swerving and u could see a house
What dedication and patience!
I could NEVER sit down that long that still. lol
i see it sitting.
just saw it strip the flesh of a rat *gags*
I missed when he/she was little but momma owl has got one baby chick!