If you want to be prepared for anything, there’s a new gigantic Swiss Army knife for you.
The U.S. distributor of Wenger Swiss Army knives has announced a new knife that contains 87 tools and weighs nearly three pounds.
The knife contains blades, saws, screwdrivers, fish scalers, toothpicks and nail files. It also has a flashlight, laser pointer, wrenches and other specialized tools.
Although the knife is too big for most pockets and costs over $1,000, the company has already sold over 450 of them.
they seem to be losing the concept of pocket knives 😉
That’s so awesome! It’s as amazing as the huge fish that was also mentioned in Pedro’s blog. Pedro, where do you get this wacky stories?
How in the world can you use that thing when it’s WAY too wide? It can barely fit in the largest hand on Earth, much less an scout’s.:-(
I agree with “Da Boss” they are losing the concept of knives. I saw one with an MP3 Player in it. That has nothing to do with scouting.
wow that is so awesome
all you need on a camping trip now is your tent and that!!! 🙂
i agree with Da Boss 😀
i agree with Da Boss too
This is not a pocket knife! It is a groan-and-tug-because-it-so-heavy-and-hard-to-drag-on-the-ground-knife! there is such a thing as OVERDOING IT!
whats the use if it cant fit in your pocket?
Boys Life is cool! 8)
that is one big overpriced swiss army knife. 🙂 i also agree with Da Boss
i don’t think that’s technincally a pocket knife any more 8)
to big
wow, that’s big
what will they think of next
THat whould be good If each tool was sepretable and it was more affordable then it hould b as trip say’s sweet
it has it’s problems but it’s awesome i agree with dsteve
Wow, that is big and COOL!!!
some tools is not useful:(
i think if i had one that would be cool.
Definatly a conversation piece. Thats what probably all 450 sold are. 🙂
i have one with 33 attachments
Just imagine having to whittle a stick with that thing. That’s why I stick with my Gerber LMF II Infantry. Single fixed blade and no nonesense. I probably will pick up a BSA pocket knife but thats more of a backup.
I wish i had 87 things on MY pocket knife!!!
i loooove this knife
I would LOVE to have that.