Who’s Going To Win?

tampaIt’s Super Bowl week for the 43rd time in history. The Arizona Cardinals (in their first Super Bowl) will represent the National Football Conference. The Pittsburgh Steelers (in their seventh Super Bowl, with five of their previous trips ending in victory) will represent the American Football Conference. The game begins Sunday at 6 p.m. Eastern, live from Tampa, Fla. See it on NBC.

So, who do you think is going to win? Will the Cardinals take the Lombardi Trophy in their first try, or will the Steelers win a record sixth Super Bowl championship.


  1. I think the cardnals will win even thoe I like the eagles. I am 10 years old and love boys life. My cousin plays football and he is really good.

  2. i think the stellers should win i go for the cardinals 24/7 but when they play the steelers im all steelers with rothlisburger there unstopable

  3. I think that the cardinals are going to win because they have very good offense and defense and a very excellent coach

  4. I think the Steelers are going to win because Arizona Cardinals have bad defense men than then the Steelers.!!!!!!!!

  5. I am a huge football fan and i know for a fact that the Steelers are going to win. With the steel curtain and Steelers great offence, Fitzgerald and the Cardinals Have no chance against them!!!

  6. There is no way that the Cardinals can pull it off. Going against the #1 defense in the NFL!!!!! A defense that has only alowed 1 team to gain more then 300 yards on them. And you think the Cardinals stand a shot??? I dont think so. The Steelers will win handly.

  7. cardinals are gonna win. no one they were gonna beat carolina. they beat them. no one thought they were gonna beat the eagles. they won. They’re gonna surprise everyone!

  8. made mistake on comment srry. i meant to say “no one (thought) they were gonna beat carolina.” i forgot (thought)

  9. I see a trend in the AFC and NFC Championship that the home team won and Cardinals are the home team. So, Let’s Go Cardinals! Final Score 40 to 37 Cardinals!

  10. Well there’s no question abt who’s going to win.not only did the cardinals make it to the superbowl but we’re gna be the champions of superbowl 43=)cards are bringing it home baybeee!

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