Reader Gregory asks, Who would win: Pedro or the Boss, if they got into a physical fight?
Wow, tough question. Here’s all we can say…
If Pedro and The Boss ever got into a fight, the entire universe would pay the consequences. Each punch, kick, bite and shove in the epic squabble would alter the very nature of existence. The Earth would stop spinning. The moon would stop orbiting and fall out of the sky. The tides would stop rolling in and out. Everything we know would change.
Plus, where would I get my mail? So, let’s just hope the fight never happens.
Obviously, we’re to close too to both the Boss and Pedro to make the call, but we want to hear from you on this one.
Tell us what you think in the comments section. And as always, feel free to suggest a “Who Wins” match of your own.
Until then, take a look at this silly video of Pedro delivering mail at our offices.
How long have you guys had a giant Pedro costume?
Oh, and why does he look like a horse?
Pedro does have a unique look, but I assure you, he is all donkey.
what happened to that boss around pedro game that used to be on the boy scouts website back in the day?
were is pedro’s mane?
is the boss a little green man with a beard? if he is PEDROOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
who would win? yoda or bilbo baggins? battle of the small guys
I thought so!
From what the boss looks like… Pedro!!
pedro i’ve always wondored is your boss bossy?
Pedro! The Boss looks like a green booger.