Football can be a rough and dangerous sport, especially for America’s youngest players. That’s why USA Football, the official youth football development partner of the National Football League, is launching a football safety initiative called Heads Up Football.
The program’s goal is to improve the safety of America’s youth football leagues, providing them with expansive safety education, awareness and equipment. The comprehensive program was created with focus on the following subjects:
- Heads Up Tackling, which teaches tackling in a safer and more effective way. The head is always up in order to lessen the risk of head or neck injuries.
- Concussion recognition and response in which Centers for Disease Control and Prevention protocols are learned.
- Proper equipment fitting to ensure the correct fitting of a player’s helmet and shoulder pads.
While it’s being implemented in a only few youth leagues at the moment, Heads Up Football will expand to more than 900 youth leagues across all 50 states later this year. Many leagues will receive the guidance of Heads Up Football Ambassadors, consisting of former NFL players and coaches, to make sure the game is played safely.
Be sure to visit to learn more about Heads Up Football.
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