Warning! You shouldn’t to drop your iPad from a high place. That’s what the folks fromĀ G-Form, a company known creating extreme electronics cases, are for. They sent an iPad, attached to a balloon, to the edge of space (more than 100,000 feet high) and waited for the magic to happen.
The video shows the iPad’s journey up, and its eventual fall back to Earth. The most amazing part is that it is still working after the THUD!
that is amazing!!
WOW!!!! did it pop the balloon?
I case you were wondering, the ballon popped because the air was sucked into the vaccum of space.
really? that’s interesting.
It popped from being too high in the atmosphere. There wasn’t enough oxygen around it.
you mean just random air?
culio hulio. pretty epic
i wish i had that!
I want one.
): poor iPad ):
that is cool but they have to much protection on it so that is not what would really happen
I bet if there was no protection, the iPad would break into a million pieces
its realey cool
Everyone needs that case!
This rocks! Although I’m not sure if they were telling the truth….
AMAZING!!! i did not see it working though…………………………
wouldn’t the ipad be screaming if it could have emotion?
is there going to be a new post soon it is January 11 and this is from January 6 -I love cars š
WOW! I am speechless! How could that EVER happen?
~Criss Angel beLIEve
SCAM, the back cover protected it or they dropped a disguised ipad and put a real ipad in the place it “fell”
okay, one your first point was what the video was trying to prove, so that means 2 you really don;t get it and third they had people from bsa with them do you think they would lie?
The demonstraition is that the case is tough. Even if it couldn’t protect an ipad from falling from 100,000 feet do you think it will be happening any time soon? Do you have plans on dropping your ipad from near space?
I want that case!
that is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! but the case even looks kinda weak.
Tht thing is practically INVINCIBLE!!!!!!!
the ipad fell from 100,0000 feet
I wonder how many elephants could stand on that thing.
So how come from 100,000 feet it works, but mine dosen’t survive a 4 foot drop off the kitchen counter?
So Fake
Completely Fake