A teenager found a wallet containing $650 stuffed inside couch cushions while looking for his cell phone. Jack Wagster, 16, was visiting friend Nick Gorman’s house when he found the billfold. They live in Snohomish, Wash. The couch had been purchased from a couple in Kirkland, Wash.
Jack and Nick used Facebook to track down the wallet’s owner, Alanna Jensen. They found her now living in Arizona. Alanna said she had lost the wallet at a party in 2005. She was “excited and grateful” when the boys returned it. For their honesty and effort, she rewarded them $25 each.
only twenty five dollars
wow i guess it pays 2 be honest
Thats a boy scout
holey cash!
I would have keep it if I hade known she would only give me $25 bucks. Finders keepers losers weepers!!
A scout is not only HONEST! but trusrworthy and in some ways that was being “Trustworthy”.
reward some more cash
WOW! That is pretty something, what if she just gave them the money in the wallet?
They did the right thing
“Finders keepers losers weepers”
Burger, that’s a saying for 4 year olds. A scout is honest.
Think about it. Are you a four year old, or a scout.
AGREED! You should do what’s right wether or not the reward is big or nothing at all!
isnt on of the parts of the scout law honesty. That is really cool.
650$? Well…
Wow good job guys way to be honest
That’s AWSOME!!!! 🙂 .
I’m glad they had the honesty to return the wallet. That is the right thing to do.
It’s the right thing to do but I would honestly take some of the money and then return it.