Coming Soon: The Coolest TV Show Ever?


You can find Boys’ Life in print, on the web and — pretty soon — on your television.

That’s right, your all-time favorite magazine is developing a new show called Scouting Around, focusing on the most popular, fun and educational subjects in a typical issue of Boys’ Life. The show will brought to you be the same team behind Scouting for Adventure, the Boys’ Life series that just finished a five-season run on the Outdoor Channel. (DVDs can be found here.)

Here are the basics:

Three hosts will guide the show across the United States, exploring a variety of subjects and people in an entertaining, modern format. Episode topics will cover a wide range of general interests and hobbies, including new tech, gaming, cooking, survival techniques in the wild, and relationship advice, to reach a wide breadth of teens. Scouting Around hosts will meet with pro athletes, politicians, entrepreneurs, culinary experts and more to form entertaining educational segments around their expertise and experiences.

For now, it’s too early to know when the show will premiere, but once I know details about when it will air — and on which channel — I’ll let you all know. For now, what do you think of the news?


  1. By the way Clay I dont have cable TV anymore I only have antenna but I will get dish soon so will it be avaliable for antenna or dish?

  2. Hey Clay just to let you know I really enjoy all the stuff you post and thank you for doing this and Merry Christmas!

  3. Hey, look… Scouting around is on TV!
    What is on TV?
    Scouting Around.
    What’s that?
    It’s… it’s… it’s a scouting thing.
    What channel is it on?
    Uh… ***
    ***? You shouldn’t be watching that!!!
    Uh… Oh…

  4. Guys, if you need a merit badge for scouts, go to Boy Scout It has all the merit badge paper work for all your needs; whether it be for rank advancement or for fun.

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