Insects make up the largest group of organisms on Earth. Here are seven fast facts about bugs.
1. Insects make up the largest group of organisms on Earth.
2. They play important roles in our ecosystem as pollinators, decomposers and food sources for various animals.
3. Bees pollinate flowering plants, a big step in the reproduction of many crops.
4. Ants are social insects that live in colonies and have specific jobs as workers, soldiers or queen.
5. The smallest bug is the fairyfly, a type of parasitic wasp. It can be as tiny as 0.2 millimeters long.
6. The largest bug is the giant weta. Found in New Zealand, it can have a wingspan of up to 4 inches and weigh as much as 1.5 ounces.
7. There are over 1 million recognized species of bugs.
Now that you’ve learned facts about bugs, check out our insect identification quiz and more fun, interesting and important insect information.
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