The All-New “Scoutin’ With Sasquatch” Videos


Ever seen those hilarious Jack Link’s “Messin’ with Sasquatch” commercials, where the mythical creature goes crazy for beef jerky? Now the Boy Scouts of America are getting in on the hi-jinx by partnering with Jack Link’s to make their snacks “The Official Protein Snack of the Boy Scouts of America.”

Even cooler? To help spread awareness of the big news, braand-new “Scoutin’ With Sasquatch” videos are being released showing Sasquatch enjoying a number of Scouting activities like hiking, camping and even zip-lining.

Take a look:

Scoutin’ with Sasquatch – Ziplining

Scoutin’ with Sasquatch – Camping

Scoutin’ with Sasquatch – Hiking

Scoutin’ with Sasquatch – Campfire


What do you think?


  1. i read this on brian’s blog but didn’t really believe it until i saw it on heads up so thank you for posting this

  2. Normally Sasquatch is a feared monster, but these videos make him out to be adorable. Good job scout tv, manager guys. And that beef jerky is actually pretty good.

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