Riding to School NASCAR Style

By now you’ve probably heard that Boy Scouts of America has partnered with NASCAR for its very own race car. The No. 8 BSA Chevrolet driven by Scotty Lagasse Jr. has been burning rubber at tracks across the country lately, but on Oct. 19 the stock car was zooming around the streets of Kansas.

Lucky Cub Scout Sean McCarty went on the ride of a lifetime, riding shotgun with Lagasse Jr. who helped McCarty make a flashy entrance to St. Patrick’s Elementary School in Kansas City, Kan. And Lagasse didn’t take it easy on McCarty, the pair sped down the roads escorted by five police motorcycle officers.

After delivering McCarty to the school in one piece, Lagasse signed autographs for the students and spoke at an assembly about the BSA race program. Here are a couple more photos of Lagasse and McCarty arriving at the school.


Congratulations to Alec!


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