Read through the above list of 10 statements, and determine which of them are true, and which are false. Go for it!
Read through the above list of 10 statements, and determine which of them are true, and which are false. Go for it!
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Number 9 is the true statement. Only one of these statements cane be true, and there are 10 statements, therefore 9 statements must be false.
Only #9 is true.
Answer: 1
Since the numbers have to be exact only one can be right. (+1 for homeschoolers!)
you a rong it 21
Answer: Number 9 is correct all others are false
Since the numbers have to be exact only one can be right. (+1 for homeschoolers!)
Uhh, then that would mean that all the others BUT ONE would have to be true, wouldn’t it? Which is impossible because there can’t be exactly three and exactly four false, could there?
as am I
number 9 is true because that leaves 9 of them to be false which it states ‘exactly 9 of these statements are false’
I’m Homeschooled too! Neat!
#9 is correct
#9 is true because if 10 is true then that would make itself false making it a paradox. so 9 would be my assumption because there is no other evidence making another one true.
P.S. I really like these logic puzzles you are doing! Keep it up!
Question if a statement is false does the alternative to the statement become valid then. So if I said #6 is false does that mean now it states. Six of these statements are true?
None it is all the illuminati
9,7,5,3,1 are true
Go Homeschool!
1 is true because all of them have (are true ) but 1 (is ) false.
it is number 21