Take a virtual tour of the Kennedy Space Center

Kennedy Space Center, launch site responsible for every human space flight since 1968, is celebrating its 50th anniversary. To celebrate,  Google Maps has provided an all-access look at the KSC. Now you can virtually walk through the very same halls and room that astronauts like Neil Armstrong once did. Here’s a video, showing a brief look at the tour.

To take the tour yourself, click here: https://maps.google.com/?ll=28.586331,-80.520172&spn=0.516117,0.889206&t=m&layer=c&panoid=ay4BNtiCAkhP8H9tP–tWA&cbp=12,83.3,,0,-14.13&cbll=28.586198,-80.651363&z=11

No time to click around? Here’s the gallery of everything that you would see: http://maps.google.com/help/maps/streetview/gallery.html#!/nasa


  1. I love space because so many cool things happen in space.
    I love space because there are so many cool planets in space.
    I just can’t take space it is just so cool.

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