Careful what you download. A California 13-year-old is in a little trouble after running up a Verizon Wireless bill of almost $22,000. Ted Estarija’s son downloaded 1.4 million kilobytes of information last month, which totaled up to $21,917 in charges.
The cell plan did not cover data usage, so downloads were charged by the megabyte. Estarija has suspended his son’s account. Verizon is not enforcing the charges.
take responsibility people! teach him some money ethics please!
what kind of a weardo would do that?
What the blue donkey!!!!! A 22k cell bill?!?!
the kid was taught a lesson and also HOLY COW!!!!!!
that is amazing!!!!!!
He’s lucky they’re not charging him.
I have heard of struff like it
Uhhhh….. I hope I don’t do that.
That is crazy!!!!
I can’t belive that!!!
oh my!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t even have a phone. And anyone who’s smart would know not to do that!!
that’s going to be a lot of work to pay that off. mowing, housework, etc.
that’s going to be a lot of work to pay that off. mowing, housework, etc. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
a 13-year old like that shouldnt have a cell phone anyway.
WOW! Just WOW!
thats wird and cool i could have payed for half of it but i never would that is wird what wirdo would do that
What would his mother say??!!??!!!
the iphone is not with verizon wireless
WHY did he do THAT???
wow, to much fun 4 that kid, and to much trouble 4 those parents. makes you think about what your parents go through huh?
i agree with alexker1
omg that happened to my friend but his bill was 390,000
Who knew that you can download that much stuff. What was it anyway?
holy cow!
aw man that stinks that he got all that
Wow. I wonder how he cuold do all that!
I’ve heard of a 16K (I think) bill for a football game phone download.
This guy must have been really busted.
Better not tell my dad. If he hears this, he won’t let me get a cell phone.
ouch. That would be a problem. It was nice of Verizon to drop the charges.
His parents didn’t notice all of these downloads? Parents should keep a little tighter leash on there kids.
I really can’t believe that!
Wow, im 13 and the highest my parents had to pay was $60 for my bill.
I’m 13 and I don’t even own a phone. If I did, I would only download free stuff. FREE STUFF RULES!
that nearley happend to me
this kid likes phone apps
I wonder if the kid thought that all the downloads were free. Not the smartest kid ever, huh?
that is crazy!
Of course he got all those downloads but was the kid thinking
money wise? Of course downloads can’t be that cheap or free
wow if i was the parent i would kill him
Comcast:Verizon gives you big bills but lowers them if you beg, that’s why you should switch.
AT&T:Rmember the kid who downloaded 22K bill off verizon? That’s why you should switch to AT&T the nations fastest 3G network.
I wonder if I will see advertisments like that? 🙂
dude, whats wrong with you?
To: sneezy
wow iF i ever did that i would get Killed
sneezy, AT&T lies. they were nice anough to let the cell bill go.
(Verison rules!!!)
Of course they were nice enough. I was just showing the competition between these companies.
were did he get the time to do that?
Why did he download that much? 🙂
what the heck was that kid thinking?!!!!!
Maybe he thought money was a fake joke! Lol!
who would even use that many apps?? The most I would download is maybe 10!
that’s not really alot… i’ve done triple that damage. the only reason that you haven’t heard of it is cause my parents paid verizon to keep it quiet…
Dang that is CRAZY!!!
WWWWWOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!!! thats pretty darn impressive. but why is the picture an iPhone when it says the kid was on Verizon??
Mabe he had a i phone from verizon. | :
WHOA……. thats weird. What did he DOWNLOAD?!?
you’re in trouble
last thing you wanna buy that kid is an iPad.
I can imagine his dad`s reaction.